The City of Lyon Citizens of Heritage Grand Prix 2020, which was awarded to the neighborhood council “Quartiers Anciens” for the project conducted with the two elementary schools Fulchiron and Gerson of the Old Lyon during the school year 2018-2019, was presented to Roger Guir, project leader, on behalf of the neighborhood council, at the Lyon City Hall on 18-02-2020 ceremony.
This prize rewards the quality of the 21 artistic creations of the pupils of three classes of Year 5 and 6, in relation to the enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Old Lyon, their living environment, as well as the action of transmitting the importance of the heritage to the younger generations, and the initiative of disseminating and exhibiting the works of the pupils to the inhabitants and visitors of the Old Lyon.
A ceremony to share the Citizens of Heritage Grand Prix 2020 Trophy with the two elementary schools that participated in the project, was held on 12-03-2020 at the Gerson school, in the presence of:
– the Principal of Gerson School and pupils who participated in the project,
– the Deputy Mayor of Lyon in charge of Heritage,
– the artist Erutti who accompanied the students throughout the project,
– and the neighborhood council “Quartiers Anciens”.

The trophy Citizens of Heritage Prize “Annie and Regis Neyret” 2020, City of Lyon

Award of the prize to Roger Guir, project leader, on behalf of the neighborhood council “Quartiers Anciens”

Award ceremony at the City Hall of Lyon, 18-02-2020

The thanks addressed by Roger Guir on behalf of the neighborhood council “Quartiers Anciens”, the recipient of the Citizens of Heritage Grand Prix 2020 for the project with the elementary schools

Year 5 and 6 pupils of Gerson elementary school on 13-03-2020: sharing the trophy of the City of Lyon Citizens of Heritage Grand Prix 2020

The Deputy Mayor of Lyon in charge of Heritage speaks to the pupils of Gerson school

The Principal of Gerson school, Benoit ARMAND, with the trophy in hands

Year 5 and 6 pupils with the Principal of Gerson school and the artist Erutti, on 13-03-2020