a common project of Camus, Fulchiron and Gerson’s three elementary schools :
The common project of the Gerson, Fulchiron and Camus three elementary schools in Vieux-Lyon/Fourvière, consisted in the children’s view of the four participating in year-5 classes (aged 9-10 years), to tell, narrate and reread the exceptional heritage of Vieux-Lyon/Fourvière constitutive of their living environment and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, by creating artistic works through two artistic languages :
-choreography for the two classes of the Gerson school,
-and photography for the two classes of the Camus and Fulchiron schools,
a total of 120 students participating.
This project was approved by the Academic Delegation for Arts and Culture (DAAC) of the French National Education, Academy of Lyon, with the support of the Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) for the co-financing of the artists, and was carried out in partnership with the Gadagne Museum, Lyon History Museum, as well as with the “Quartiers Anciens” neighborhood council (by the financial contribution of the City of Lyon Citizens of Heritage Grand Prix 2020) and the “Art et Patrimoine Vieux-Lyon” association.
Artists involved :
-Denis Plassard choreographer, Cie Propos ;
-and Malika Mihoubi, Blick Photography.
Responsible for the coordination of the project common to the three schools:
Roger Guir, association ” Art et Patrimoine Vieux-Lyon “
–Gadagne Museum : Workshops for the participating students from the three schools, to discover the new exhibition “Portraits of Lyon”: a game to list the components of the city, a journey through time with characters from six eras of Lyon’s history, and a synthesis around the mock-up of Lyon.
–The in situ visit of the Heritage of the Vieux-Lyon/Fourrrvière, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which constitutes the first step of the common project, was replaced due to the sanitary confinement linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, by a visit realized in five video sequences, for the attention of the students, the teachers and the artists. This video was shot in collaboration with André Pelletier, honorary professor of the University of Lyon-2, specialist of the history of Lyon, and presenter.
See the YouTube channel ” Art et Patrimoine Vieux-Lyon ” (5 video sequences from 24-11-2020) :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvLHnFXvfMwaZhignweC_Zg/videos
Public dissemination common exhibition of the creations of the four classes of the three schools was carried out during the “European Heritage Days” on September 17-19, 2021, at the Fulchiron school, 16 quai Fulchiron, Lyon 5th.
“In their neighborhood, the Vieux-Lyon, children dream and materialize their heritage:
creation of photographs of bodies and plants inscribed in the environment, and video-dances that question the place of the body in the urban space”.Title for photos exhibition (creations of Camus and Fulchiron schools) :
Title for video-dance exhibition (creations of Gerson school) : PATRIDANSE

Photos creations of the Camus and Fulchiron schools pupils
Photos creations exhibited in the Fulchiron schoolyard on 2021-09-17

Photos of the exhibition opening on 2021-09-17 in the Fulchiron schoolyard

The video-dance sequences of the Gerson school pupils
Panorama 360
Mains Pieds
Contre Plongée
Porte Musée Gadagne
Ralenti Escalier
Plan fixe Gadagne
Sauts ralentis
La Vague de Chutes dans la Montée